Monday, April 28, 2008

Valuing People

This picture is not my first choice but I respect the rights of the photographer of Frogs on Wall. It is a very nice photo please have a look in Flickr.

This picture shows how we would like to value our poeple - staff and clients. We give them special attention and hold them in our palms like precious stone. Am I going too far? Just want to stress my point!

Everyone loves to be valued and acknowledged for their work and I also like to thank the photographer Scott Kinmartin for this cute and interesting picture. Working as a front line staff, being nice to each other can make a big difference to people's day!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

This is a great photo - and so cleverly matches both the theme of your blog and our values! I agree, treating people with respect makes our working lives so much more satisfying (and our personal lives too!)

Mylee (PLS)