1 thing that I like about RSS is I got to have all my news in 1 place and don't need to worry about the limit of my mail box. However, I don't always get to look at the page everyday. I think it would be fun to share the news with my friends and I would like to do that for non-work stuff.
Another interesting thing about RSS is not every website has the service! I am surprised some well known organizations do not have RSS but just mailing list. I suppose it still serves the purpose of spreading the news.
In regard to using RSS for work, I think it would be good for notifying clients of our new exhibitions, new books, new services or any news (including conducting surveys or user groups). The little booklet that we got (I think it is called @ the Library) can be distributed as RSS. However, there is always the concern of the age groups of our clients. Not everyone is using RSS yet. Internally, we can also set up the RSS for Newsbreak or branch news.
I guess you have to include us in the well known organisations that don't YET have RSS feeds. What information would you consider important to include in a SLNSW feed?
Mylee (PLS)
Good ideas about SL use of RSS. Agree about difficulties with age group of clients and their access to technology, so we still need hard copies for those clients
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