Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Social Networks
I have been enjoying using the Facebook and other social networks to help me to keep in touch with my friends and to share my activities with them. It is a fun way to keep in touch when you are busy and sometimes you can pick up some long lost friends through you friends' networks. I get' invited' to make new friends a lot but I always decline it. I suppose it is now just another way to meet people from everywhere in the world. Building networks with people you don't know can be a hidden opportunity or danger. Depends on how you handle it.
I find it interesting that all these organizations try to look like and identify themselves as individuals and put on a very personal voice on Facebook/Myspace. Putting the Library on some of the social networks definitely can raise our profile to a bigger audience. It can also invite people to have a look on our page and they may be surprised that we talk their language and we provide them with the stuff they need and want. It is also a very good way to tell people what is going on in the Library. However, I think we have to be careful with the client groups that we are targeting. Working on 'live' reference always make me wonder that there seems to be a narrow group of clients using the service. May be we can have a 'youth' librarian to provide specialized service and to talk and listen to this niche market.
With all these new marketing tools that we are using now, how are we going to cope with the new increasing demand with new markets and new clients? It is always good to have a network of regular library clients to listen and talk to. They can also provide valuable imput to our services. However, are we going to provide a forum to allow our clients to answer to each other for support? There are a few issues to think about. I know there is a State Library NSW naughty client group in Facebook. They have over 100 members and I think they are mainly teens and young adults. They share all the naughty things they did in the Library including how they got kick out!!!
The Second Life Library looks so glamorous! I love to go there to have a wander around. Virtual library is a very interesting concept and it will get a lot of attention if it is different than a traditonal library. I can't see any point for anyone to visit the virtual library if it is just like any library in the world. I am hoping I can do some real reading and may be playing some online gaming with someone when I get into the vitual library. I don't mind to have some conversation with a virtual librarian who would show me around include the hidden chest with library treasure! What about showing our ML Original Materials stack in the Virtual Library? I would also love to check out our Offsite Storage warehouse and see how it operates! There are so many possibilities with virtual library and I think it all get down to the situation of our budget.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Online applications
Google Doc is one of the website we recommend to clients when they want to use our PCs in the Reading Rooms to create a Word/Excel document. Overall, they are happy to use it ( I suppose they have no choice!) and I think it is straight forward and easy enough to use.
I am not sure about using these online tools at work. We got our own software provided by IT and I think we have some policies of getting approval from IT to use online applications. However, I love to use these tools for my personal use as it saves me a lot of money. Otherwise, I think sharing your documents, presentations and projects with your colleague is part of your everyday's work life and it is great to be able to do it easily with a online tool. Converting document to a different format eg. html, pdf is also getting more and more common now and it is handy to know there is a tool out there for me to use. The time saving factor is the motivator for us to use all these online tools.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I love to get the RSS for new update in case there is some interesting one out there. However, Some podcasts are very long and boring. I would not like to download them on my PC/ipod to waste my memory. I think if you want to use this function in the Library it has to be something interesting and enjoyable. I don't mind to listen to an interview of Paul Brunton but I don't want to listen to a promotion of a library service. I don't mind to listen to a chapter of Harry Potter but I don't want to listen to the new stationary you can get from the Library. I don't mind to watch a celebrity chef to cook but I don't want to listen to the lending policy of the Library.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Answer Boards
It is good to see librarians being pro-active out there and there is definitely a role for us in the knowledge market. I think we need to have a look of our current services and may be re-package them with the Web 2 technology. A lot of people out there still think library is just a repository of books but we now offer a lot of very exciting services. Web 2 'look' and design can help the new generation to feel comfortable with us and it can also introduce and promote libraries' new image.
Answer Boards can be used for client to comment and share view on our exhibitions, new books or any new acquisition eg. new database. I think it would be a bit 'risky' to use the function for comment on services and facilities as it can create more issue for us. We can also use the Answer Boards to answer some very common and popular reference queries that we got all the times.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Social bookmarking
There is a lot of potential of using this tool in libraries. The question is how are we going to agree on the tag names (except using the LCSH)? We have been quite rigid in how we set up our records and indexing and the bookmarking will probably need to set up with 'formal' and informal' tag names. Another issue of using bookmarking is the number of tag that you can set up. It can be quite frustrating when there are a lot of tag names to go through and still cannot find what you want! The approach of bookmarking from Cleveland Library and Sutherland Library are very different. Cleveland Library uses a traditional library approach while Sutherland Library gives you pages of tag names to choose. I think I would prefer something in between.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
We all stand together
Nice music from Paul McCartney with very creative frog cartoon. Enjoy!
I think cartoon is the way to go for storytelling and young audience.
High school students is one of our major client group and we do have a good collection of HSC materials and some special services for them. However, from time to time, some students do not behave appropriately in the Library and disrupt other clients. May be we can use cartoon as an information tool to tell them how to behave in the State Reference Library?! I think it will work if the cartoon can make them laugh! Trim definitely can play a role in it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Online video
I think the possibilities of using short video in library website are unlimited. You can use it as an ad for any service promotion, tour, training, function, exhibition etc. The short video can go on any media eg. YouTube, train, plane, TV, mobile phone, library webpage etc. You can even get an advertising company to do some very professional jobs for you. Just not too sure about the cost of production.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
RSS (Part II)
I think there are a lot of good writers in the Library who like to communicate to our clients. May be there is another issue we need to consider - how to manage all the comments and replies.
Monday, May 19, 2008
1 thing that I like about RSS is I got to have all my news in 1 place and don't need to worry about the limit of my mail box. However, I don't always get to look at the page everyday. I think it would be fun to share the news with my friends and I would like to do that for non-work stuff.
Another interesting thing about RSS is not every website has the service! I am surprised some well known organizations do not have RSS but just mailing list. I suppose it still serves the purpose of spreading the news.
In regard to using RSS for work, I think it would be good for notifying clients of our new exhibitions, new books, new services or any news (including conducting surveys or user groups). The little booklet that we got (I think it is called @ the Library) can be distributed as RSS. However, there is always the concern of the age groups of our clients. Not everyone is using RSS yet. Internally, we can also set up the RSS for Newsbreak or branch news.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
However, not all subjects work well with wiki. The Lib Labs from NLA does not create much interest from a big group except from internal staff. I think a blog will be more appropriate for that kind of content rather than a wiki. The subject is too narrow and specialized. It is not an interesting/common interest topic. I think most people will be happier just to put in a comment.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Valuing People
This picture is not my first choice but I respect the rights of the photographer of Frogs on Wall. It is a very nice photo please have a look in Flickr.
This picture shows how we would like to value our poeple - staff and clients. We give them special attention and hold them in our palms like precious stone. Am I going too far? Just want to stress my point!
Everyone loves to be valued and acknowledged for their work and I also like to thank the photographer Scott Kinmartin for this cute and interesting picture. Working as a front line staff, being nice to each other can make a big difference to people's day!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I feel like to pick up my camera and take some pictures here. May be just to share with my team..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
First ever Jumping Frog blog!
Welcome to my first blog. I hope you will all have fun reading and commenting on my blog. Looking forward to 'talk' to you.
Jumping frog
Frog Pond
I am a frog lover but I don't know much about keeping frogs as pets. I saw a very interesting program on ABC on Mon called Life in Cold Blood. Half of the espisode was about frogs and I learnt a lot about how frogs survive in desert. They are not as fragile as I thought.
Jumping Frog